Hayes Village
Schöck Isokorb for iconic Nestlé factory site regeneration
No other UK product for concrete-to-steel applications satisfies the necessary load-bearing requirements, or the thermal performance required, to meet building standards (Part L) than the Schöck Isokorb structural thermal break T type SK. It is a complete system thermal break and is used widely on Block B, a collection of nine buildings which make up around a third of the 1400 hundred new properties at the extensive Hayes Village regeneration in West London. The development is situated alongside the Grand Union Canal, on the site of the original Nestlé Factory and one of the listed art deco buildings is woven into the fabric of the development, inspiring the overall design. The nine buildings being broken into a series of elements and layers, each of a different brick tone and although very different in character, have façades with common themes. Solid masonry walls wrap the primary steel frame and as a counterpoint, the metalwork of the balconies is used as a feature to enrich the façades. The entire project is built with sustainability in mind and minimising any risk of thermal bridging at the balcony detailing is critical. Local heat loss will result in more energy being required to maintain the internal temperature of the building, while low internal surface temperatures in the area of any thermal bridge can cause condensation. This is likely to result in structural integrity problems. Mould growth too is a possible risk, which in a residential situation can cause asthma and allergies.
Makower Architects
Barratt East London