Hendon Waterside
One project with a challenging variety of balconies is Hendon Waterside in North West London, a mixed tenure housing development. Situated alongside the Brent Reservoir, (known locally as the Welsh Harp, after a public house which used to stand nearby), the scheme involves the regeneration of a 1960s housing estate being built in six phases and scheduled for completion in 2027. The masterplan will deliver around 2100 new homes consisting of social, affordable and private housing. These are being constructed in twenty-three blocks, varying in height from three to twenty-three storeys – along with an imposing tower building of twenty-eight storeys. The construction of the many balconies involved vary in their design demands and to ensure the risk of thermal bridging is minimised, Schöck has supplied over thirteen different product variants. The products used here are for concrete-to-concrete and provide optimum solutions through the use of varying tension bar arrangements. For example one type provides cantilever balcony connections and transfers both negative moments and positive shear forces. Another is a load-bearing thermal break element for transferring shear forces on supported balconies, recessed balconies and for occasional peak shear forces. Others transfer positive shear forces with point support, or transfer positive shear forces with point support and zero stress connection.